Hey all,
To celebrate the first anniversary of Gears 2, we've decided to have some fun by having a special event where you get to play in a different kind of way. During the development of Gears 2, we were really interested in seeing if we could push the game to be more tactical (at least how we define it). A big part of this was increased weapon damage and reduced ammo counts along with a bunch of other more subtle tweaks (like increasing DBNO health so that revives were still possible). Anyway, the more we played it and enjoyed it, the more we worried that we would upset too many fans of Gears 1 by moving so far away from the wall bouncing, shotgunning fragfests they enjoyed so much. So we tabled it - until now. Here's your chance to see how Gears 2 multiplayer might have been and to let us know what you think of it.
And of course, we'll make it all worth your while. During this extended event you'll be receiving triple XP (yes, I said triple, even in Horde) and we've separated the playlists by individual game types so you can play exactly what you want, when you want. And if the wait times aren't too bad, we'll keep them that way after the event as well.
So to sum up:
- Nine day event starting morning of Nov 6th
- Play in "tactical" mode across all MP gametypes including Horde
- Triple XP
- Playlists have individual gametypes
Thanks and see you online.