Der wohl am meisten erwarteste Film kommt am 02.09.08 in den USA auf den Markt
Hier die bisherigen Infos:
heisst also auf deutsch,die scheibe wird schonmal eine neue HD tonspur bekommen und wahrscheinlich einen neuen Encode,also ein neues Bild bekommen
Hier die bisherigen Infos:
dvdactive.comParamount Home Entertainment has announced a Blu-ray edition of Transformers which stars Shia LaBeouf, and Megan Fox. The Michael Bay film will be available to own from the 2nd September. The film itself will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with English 5.1 Dolby Digital Plus, 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, and 5.1 PCM (Uncompressed) tracks. Extras will include a commentary by Michael Bay, multiple HD featurettes (The Story Sparks, Human Allies, I Fight Giant Robots, Battleground, Rise of the Robots, Autobots Roll Out, Decepticons Strike, Inside the AllSpark, Transformers Tech Inspector, From Script to Sand: The Skorponok Desert Attack, Concepts), the teaser and theatrical trailers, BD-Live Features, and eastereggs (Michael Bay Cameo, Girl in Dress, Bay Bot, Casting Mojo). Stay tuned for artwork.
thedigitalbits.comFinally this morning, our sources also tell us to expect an official announcement from Paramount and DreamWorks VERY soon regarding Michael Bay's Transformers coming to Blu-ray Disc later this year. We even hear the film is getting a new encode, optimized for the Blu-ray format. We'll see.
heisst also auf deutsch,die scheibe wird schonmal eine neue HD tonspur bekommen und wahrscheinlich einen neuen Encode,also ein neues Bild bekommen