

6 Juli 2010
AW: Bulletstorm

Macht Laune, da es dann ja aber doch nur ein Singleplayerspiel ist, werde ich zu Release auch auf dieses Spiel verzichten. Horde-ähnliche Modi konnten mich in noch keinem Spiel fesseln und, wie schonmal erwähnt, habe ich momentan keine große Lust Singleplayerspiele zu beenden.


25 Juni 2008
Lengenfeld, Bayern
AW: Bulletstorm

Demo gefällt mir gut. Vor allem der Look und die Gewalt :). Für einen guten Kurs schlag ich wohl zu.


1 Apr. 2009
irgendwo im schönen Münsterland
AW: Bulletstorm

Sehr gut! Ein Spiel, das seinen Fokus auf Singleplayer legt und nur ein Koop-Online-Modus bereithält gefällt mir besser. Ich bin ein viel zu großer Online-Muffel, als das ich mich ständig mit anderen Spielern messen will. Ich zocke nicht auf Skill sondern auf der Basis von Geduld. Da wird gerne mal ein Abschnitt zu 1000sten Mal wiederholt.
Es gibt nur wenige Online-Spiele bei denen ich ganz gut mitmischen kann und das ist Killzone 2 und Unreal Tounament 3.


7 Nov. 2008
Lake Titicaca
AW: Bulletstorm

Ich hab die Demo jetzt auch mal angetestet und find es auch ganz cool. Aber so richtig ist der Funke bei mir noch nicht übergesprungen. Es ist sicherlich cool für zwischendurch um mal ein bischen Dampf abzulassen und einfach mal auf die Kacke zu hauen aber ob ich es deswegen gleich zum Release brauche bezweifle ich. Bei nem nette Schnäppchen greif ich aber gern zu. ;)


23 Juni 2008
Wolfsburger Ecke
AW: Bulletstorm

Ich kann die Demo nicht mehr laden "Probleme mit dem XBL-Marktplatz". Hoffentlich wird die nicht entfernt, zocken wollte ich die schon gerne noch.
Wobei ein Kauf zum Vollpreis mittlerweile dann doch etwas wackelt. Online gegen CPU-Gegner zu zocken ist mir normalerweise keine 60€ wert, da muss der SP schon ordentlich Spaß bieten, um das auszugleichen.

Mal schauen...


23 Juni 2008
Wolfsburger Ecke
AW: Bulletstorm

Es rockt die Hütte und bockt ohne Ende! Werde meine Vororder auf keinsten stornieren!

Jetzt ist die Demo nicht mehr verfügbar. Ich vertraue da mal auf bisherige Demo-Eindrücke, Bilder und Trailer, welche ziehmlich vielversprechend sind.
Einen US-Account lege ich mir nicht extra an, dann wird´s vielleicht ein Blindkauf.


4 Juni 2008
North Carolina
Natürlich bockt das Teil! Was habt ihr denn erwartet? Epic Games pusht das Spielprinzip von The Club... ist doch klar, dass da ein Hammerspiel rauskommt! :cool:

Mit The Club wurde man auch erst später warm, aber wenn man den Flow des Spiels drin hatte und die Level mehrmals beackerte, merkte man auf einmal, wie einen die gute, alte Highscore-Jagd wieder im Bann hatte. Dieses Gefühl wird bei Bulletstorm auch aufkommen und das wird richtig spaßig.


4 Juni 2008
North Carolina
Duty Calls

Game of the Year! Das muss man wirklich gesehen haben... sowas Geiles! :lol:

Schön, dass sich Epic Games und People Can Fly so viel Zeit für eine CoD-Parodie nehmen! Wenn das auch bei Bulletstorm der Fall ist, dürfte das Game extrem unterhaltsam werden. :D


1 Apr. 2009
irgendwo im schönen Münsterland
AW: Bulletstorm

Duty Calls

Game of the Year! Das muss man wirklich gesehen haben... sowas Geiles! :lol:

Schön, dass sich Epic Games und People Can Fly so viel Zeit für eine CoD-Parodie nehmen! Wenn das auch bei Bulletstorm der Fall ist, dürfte das Game extrem unterhaltsam werden. :D

Ist das geil! :lol:Ich lieg' noch immer auf dem Boden!


4 Juni 2008
North Carolina
Achtung, Spoiler! Ein paar Informationen zu Bulletstorm...

Campaign Missions

(sorted like: Act Number
Chapter Number - Chapter Name - Chapter Description

Act 0 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Crash - On the road to hell.

Act 1 - Desert
Chapter 1 - The Wreck - Just like the good old days.
Chapter 2 - Skulls' Hideout - Last train from explosion town.
Chapter 3 - The Cave - Whatever it is, it's pissed.

Act 2 - City Outskirts
Chapter 1 - The Outskirts - Damsel in distress.
Chapter 2 - Machaton Dome - Worst family fun vacation ever.

Act 3 - The Dam
Chapter 1 - The Dam - One sniper means a dozen.
Chapter 2 - The Dam 2 - A dam fine mess.

Act 4 - Forbidden Zone
Chapter 1 - The Mood - The only way through.
Chapter 2 - The Park - Maneaters prefer tight spots.
Chapter 3 - Collapsed Building - Itchin' to crumble.

Act 5 - Burnout Paradise
Chapter 1 - The Monorail - Crash resistant.
Chapter 2 - The Mall - How do we solve that?
Chapter 3 - Downtown - I see we're all a bit upset.

Act 6 - Undercity
Chapter 1 - The Storm - Daddy'll get you out.
Chapter 2 - Undercity - Bad trouble a knockin'
Chapter 3 - Ulysses - Ponderin' them bodies.

Act 7 - Jumpship
Chapter 1 - Road to Jumpship - That thing is leaving without us.
Chapter 2 - Take Off - I don't hold you accountable.

Flashback Maps

The Power Plant
Collapsed Building 2
Gang Territory

MP Rank Names

Rank 1 - Skid Mark
Rank 2 - Fresh Meat
Rank 3 - Rookie
Rank 4 - Grunt
Rank 5 - Infantry
Rank 6 - Specialist
Rank 7 - Veteran
Rank 8 - Captain
Rank 9 - Operative
Rank 10 - Spec Ops
Rank 11 - Black Ops
Rank 12 - Echo
Rank 13 - Final Echo

Multiplayer Maps

Engine Room
Power Plant
Dead Rock
Grand Central

MP Gamemodes

Free For All
Co-op Campaign
Anarchy Mode

Skill Kill Names - Descriptions

Shocker - Kill an enemy by flinging them into a an electrical source
Pricked - Kill an enemy by flinging them into a cactus.
Voodoo Doll - Kill an enemy by flinging them into a sharp metal object.
Enviro-mental - Kill one or more enemies using an environmental explosive.
Feeder - Feed an enemy to a flytrap.
Leak - Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then get a headshot.
Scarecrow - Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then impale them.
Toxic Love - Kill an enemy while infected by puffball gas.
Intoxicated - Kill an enemy while drunk on Nom Juice.
Nominated - Kill an enemy with a Nom parasite on their head.
Heads Up - Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then take their head off.
Vertigo - Send an enemy down a huge drop.
Friendly Fire - Kill an enemy by flinging them into the fire of another enemy.
Graffiti - Kill an enemy by kicking him against a surface.
Slam Dunk - Smash an airborne enemy into the ground using the Thumper.
Afterburner - Kill an enemy who is on fire.
Fast Food - Ram an enemy to death with a hot dog cart.
Fertilizer - Explode two or more thumped enemies using an environmental explosive.
First In Last Out - Get an enemy airborne, kill a different enemy, then kill the first before he lands.
Flyswatter - Thump an enemy so he smashes into the ceiling or an impaler.
Trap Shooting - Use bullets to kill a thumped enemy.
Touchdown - Thump a stunned miniboss to his death.
Bossed - Kill a miniboss.
Fire in the Hole - When a miniboss is stunned, kick him from behind, then shoot him in the butt.
Kick Off - Remove a miniboss's helmet, then when he's stunned again, kick his head off.
Whiplash - Remove a miniboss's helmet, then when he's stunned again, leash his head off.
Exterminator - Kill an entire swarm of electro flies.
Fly Guy - Kill an enemy by flinging them into a swarm of electro flies.
Stomach Pump - Kill a miniboss by firing a charged drill into his stomach then kicking it
Bad Digestion - Cause a Flytrap to swallow something explosive.
Skyjack - Kill a gyrocopter pilot while the vehicle is airborne.
Parashoot - Leash an enemy out of a gyrocopter and kill him before he lands.
Assplosion - Kill a burnout by shooting his ass growth.
Bombshell - Kill two or more enemies by exploding a Flailbomber.
Flak - Destroy a gyrocopter using an indirect explosion.
Killer News - Kill someone with the explosion of a Newsbot.
Gotcha - Leash a Creep or Skull Flaregunner and kill them in mid air.
Blind Fire - Kill someone while blinded by a flare.
Discharged - Use a charged PMC to kill a Heavy Echo whilst he's charging his.
Antidote - Kill an enemy who is infected by the puffball gas.
Sausage Fest - Kill an enemy using a hot dog cart explosion.
Bullet Kick - Kick an enemy and shoot him to death in mid-air.
Bullet Slide - Slide an enemy and shoot him to death in mid-air.
Headshot - Kill an enemy with a shot to the head.
Gag Reflex - Kill an enemy with a shot to the throat.
Trip Wire - Shoot a running enemy in the legs to trip him, then finish him off on the ground.
Full Throttle - Use bullets to kill two or more enemies without letting go of the trigger.
Overkill - CHARGED: Execute a headshot with the Charge Shot
X-Ray - CHARGED: Kill two or more enemies with a single Charge Shot.
Mercy - Shoot an enemy in the balls and kick or shoot his head off.
Rear Entry - Kill an enemy by shooting him in the ass.
Boned - CHARGED: Kill an enemy within a moment of getting them in your sights.
One Hit Wonder - Perform a clean execution by using only a single bullet to kill the enemy.
Misfire - CHARGED: Flare an enemy but kill him before the flare explodes.
Surgeon - Kill an enemy by shooting only one single limb repeatedly.
Fast Draw - Kill an enemy the moment you have them in your sights.
Snapshot - Kill an airborne enemy the moment you have them in your sights.
Enlightenment - CHARGED: Shoot an enemy in the head with a flare and let it explode.
Fireball - CHARGED: Shoot an enemy with a flare so it explodes and kills another enemy.
Fireworks - CHARGED: Explode an enemy who is 20 meters or higher in the air.
Gunslinger - Score two or more FAST DRAWs or SNAPSHOTs in a row.
Firefighter - CHARGED: Ignite three or more enemies and kill them while they burn.
Topless - Blast away the top half of an enemy.
Pump Action - Get an enemy airborne then shotgun blast him into an environmental hazard.
Legless - Blow the legs off an enemy.
Burn - CHARGED: Vaporize two or more enemies with a single Charge Shot.
Torpedo - Kill an enemy by shooting him while sliding.
Slugfest - Kill two or more enemies with one standard shot.
Piledriver - Get an enemy airborne then smash him into a surface with the shotgun blast.
Acid Rain - CHARGED: Vaporize two or more enemies in mid-air.
Juggler - Blast an airborne enemy twice then kill him before or on landing.
Splatterplunk - Kill a downed enemy by blasting him against the floor.
Grenade Gag - Wrap a flail around the head of an enemy and explode it.
Gangbang - Kill two or more enemies with a single flail explosion.
Minefield - Kill an enemy by exploding a flail attached to a surface.
Meat Slicer - Slice an enemy in half while wrapping the flail around an object.
Sadist - Wrap a flail around an enemy but kill him before it explodes.
Smart Mine - Use a flail-wrapped standing enemy to kill an airborne enemy.
Homie Missile - Use a flail-wrapped airborne enemy to kill another enemy.
Chain Reaction - CHARGED: Slice two or more enemies in half using a flail Charge Shot.
French Revolution - CHARGED: Decapitate two or more enemies with a flail Charge Shot.
Head Slicer - Decapitate an enemy after wrapping the flail around an object.
Hotshot - Kill a dodging enemy by targeting a weak spot like the head or throat.
Show Off - Kill an enemy from 10 metres without using the scope.
Nutcracker - Kill an enemy by guiding a bullet into his balls.
Broken Wings - Kill a thumped enemy with the guided bullet.
Letter Bomb - CHARGED: Explode two or more enemies using a single bullet.
Accident - Shoot an enemy and have him die from hitting an environmental hazard.
Bluff - Kill an enemy who is not actually the chosen target of the bullet.
Premature - CHARGED: Explode the bullet to kill the target before it hits him.
Early Retirement - CHARGED: Kill an enemy controlled with the charged bullet before it explodes.
Sharpnel - CHARGED: Explode two or more airborne enemies using a single bullet.
Direct Hit - Kill an enemy with a direct hit from the cannonball.
Boom - Kill two or more enemies with one cannonball.
Kick of Doom - CHARGED: Kill an enemy by kicking a cannonball.
Meat Fountain - Kill two or more airborne enemies with one cannonball.
Money Shot - Kill an enemy by launching a ball at them and exploding it before it hits anything.
Carpet Bombing - Bounce a cannonball at least two times before killing an enemy with it.
Bully - Detonate a cannonball to kill an enemy just after knocking them over with it.
Sledgehammer - CHARGED: Kill three or more enemies with one charged cannonball.
Lucky Shot - Kill an enemy with a cannonball that travelled over 100 meters without bouncing.
Trickshot - Kill an enemy with a cannonball bounced off a wall or obstacle.
Shishkebab - Impale two or more enemies with a single drill.
Fan-Tastic - Drill an enemy into the ceiling.
Breakdance - Drill an enemy into the ground.
Drilldo - CHARGED: Ram two or more enemies during a slide with the charged weapon.
Air Strike - Impale a thumped enemy into a standing enemy.
Wingmen - Impale two or more airborne enemies with a single drill.
Twisted - Fire a drill into an enemy but have him die through other means.
Root Canal - Insert a drill into an enemy's head.
Mile High Club - Send an enemy into the sky.
Stinger - CHARGED: Suspend a drilled enemy mid-air, then kick him into another enemy.
Fish Food - Feed the fish with an enemy.
Ding Dong - Kill an enemy by opening the doors in the "ceiling" in the collapsed building.
Halloween - Nom on head, then kick him into an electric object.
Steady Hand - Only hit the weakspot of a burnout and kill him.
Pancake - Crushed an enemy between wall and heavy object.
Grinder - Killed enemy on the big water wheel.
Mass Extinction - Stomp someone to death with the Mechaton.
Ejaculated - Jettison the Heavy Echoes in Cargo Hold.
Floater - Kick an enemy into the streaming water.
Sucker - Kill enemies using the giant fans.
Tenderizer - Kill enemies using the elevator.
Man Toast - Kill enemies using the reactors.
Forced - Kill an enemy by flinging them into an electromagnetic pulse barrier.
Weed Killer - Kill the Flytrap boss
Minced Meat - Kill the 1st Burnout miniboss.
Grilled Meat - Kill the 2nd Burnout miniboss.
Dino-Sore - Every successful hit on Hekaton's neck wound (helicopter section).
Outburst - Push an enemy into the storm.
Kill-O-Watt - Push an enemy into an electric building in Mechaton's mini-city.
Comet - Flare a burning guy.
Spooned - Sandwiching a guy into another guys ass.
Launch - Shoot a standing enemy into an airborne enemy.
Annihilation - When all life dies when the bomb explodes in the end of the game.
Das Boot - One player kicks an enemy and another player kills them with a kick.
Tug-O-War - Tear apart an enemy with two Leashes.
Double Penetration - Killed an enemy with a help from a teammate.
Heat Wave - CHARGED: Two players use PMC charge shot on enemy at the same time (mini bosses only).
Savior - Kill an enemy who is at close range attacking a teammate.
Environmental Chaos - Used the environment in a Chaos match to your advantage!
Ground Chuck - Fling an enemy into the Grinder on the Power Plant level.
Blood Bath - Toss an enemy into the Juicer on the Turbine level.
Midnight Express - Kill an enemy by flinging them in the monorail's path on the Grand Central level.
Make A Wish - Electrocute an enemy to death in the fountain on the Grand Central level.
Meatspin - Propel an enemy into the revolving door on the Grand Central level.
Flattery - Flatten an enemy with the elevators in the Grand Central level.
Man Crush - Crush an enemy with the Smasher on the Junkyard level.
Fish Chow - Send an enemy into the waterfall on the Junkyard level.
Not in Kansas - Fling an enemy into the tornado on the Dead Rock level.
Nom Nom Nom - Feed an enemy to the dinosaur skull on the Dead Rock level.
Blood Fountain - Push an enemy into the river on the Waterworks level.
Royal Flush - Flush an enemy down the water tubes on the Waterworks level
Blood Symphony - Fill the Blood Symphony bar by getting points, and then kill an enemy while in Blood Symphony mode
Fail - Failed to complete a blue godbeam challenge.
Burninating - Kill an enemy with a charged shotgun shot.
Alley Oop - Finish an enemy off with a kick that another player has leashed.
Yoink - Leash and kill an enemy a teammate has kicked or slid into.
Barrels of Fun - Use a flying barrel to kill an enemy a teammate has made airborne.
Kaboom - Kill three or more enemies with one cannonball.
Meat Waterfall - Kill three or more airborne enemies with one cannonball.
Best Friends - Impale three or more enemies with a single drill.
Adrenaline Rush - Have two teammates kill an enemy by kicking him into a surface.

Quelle: xbox360achievements.org
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


1 Apr. 2009
irgendwo im schönen Münsterland
AW: Bulletstorm

Aber für so etwas gibt es doch den Spoiler-Button. Nicht zu letzt, weil der Text, den du gepostet hast, nicht minder lang ist.
Ansonsten danke für die Infos und ich glaube, dass man bei Bulletstorm nicht großartig Gefahr läuft ein komplexen Story-Twist frühzeitig zu erfahren. ;)


4 Juni 2008
North Carolina
In Deutschland (wie erwartet) nur geschnitten erhältlich...

Bulletstorm erscheint zensiert in Deutschland

Vor einigen Tage berichteten wir, dass Bulletstorm in Deutschland erscheint. Bereits zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde gerätselt, ob das Spiel nun unzensiert oder doch mit Einschnitten erscheinen würde.

Nun haben wir Gewissheit. EA gab gerade bekannt, dass der Titel mit einer KJ-Freigabe (Keine Jugendfreigabe) erscheinen wird und somit erst ab 18 Jahren zugänglich ist. Um diese Freigabe zu erreichen, musste der Titel jedoch einige Anpassungen erfahren.

So fehlen in der deutschen Version:

- Ragdoll Effekte
- Zerteilung/Zerstückelung von Leichen
- Blut und Splattereffekte

Ab dem 24. Februar ist der Titel in Deutschland für PC, PS3 und Xbox 360 erhältlich.

Quelle: schnittberichte.com


4 Juni 2008
North Carolina
Die Grotte hat ab morgen das Spiel. Die Chance ist also hoch, dass Vorbesteller am Samstag schon skill kills machen können. :cool:


23 Juni 2008
Wolfsburger Ecke
AW: Bulletstorm

Die Grotte hat ab morgen das Spiel. Die Chance ist also hoch, dass Vorbesteller am Samstag schon skill kills machen können. :cool:

Ich werd´s mir vorerst nicht holen. Wenn ich TDU 2 losgeworden bin, geht´s erstmal an einen 2. Durchgang bei ME2.
Vielleicht gebraucht irgendwann.