AW: Musikalisches - Was hört ihr gerade?
Duran Duran - All You Need Is Now (Album)
Ich bin zwar gerade mal bei Being Followed (also Track 3), aber: wow...meine Sichtweise hat sich ganz schön verändert bzw. könnte es sein, dass ich das letzte Mal nicht in der richtigen Stimmung war! The Man Who Stole A Leopard ist für mich zwar mittlerweile einer der besten Popsongs der letzten Jahre und wurde selbstverstädnlich in mein"Repertoire" aufgenommen...aber an den Rest habe ich mich lange nicht mehr rangetraut!
"Today a man was taken from his apartment on the New Jersey shore and arrested under suspicion of entrapment of a wild animal. Police, after forced entry, discovered a caged leopard in the building! The fully grown feline was said to be surprisingly domesticated before preparing her for relocation.
A large crowd is gathered outside to watch the beautiful creature as a giant cage was lowered slowly onto the street by a crane. From here, the leopard was transferred into the back of a truck for the journey ahead. A thoughtful onlooker said it's extraordinary to think that any human being could have lived so silently with such a dangerous animal. Police are saying the captive has simply befriended the creature and barely left her side. It's alleged that he hunted her in the wild and expertly forged documents to facilitate her illegal export to the United States of America. The incident has already created much controversy and is now likely to lead to a major international investigation into the life of the man who stole a leopard."
Da stehen mir immer sämtliche Haare vom Körper...sollte man verfilmen!
Duran Duran - All You Need Is Now (Album)
Ich bin zwar gerade mal bei Being Followed (also Track 3), aber: wow...meine Sichtweise hat sich ganz schön verändert bzw. könnte es sein, dass ich das letzte Mal nicht in der richtigen Stimmung war! The Man Who Stole A Leopard ist für mich zwar mittlerweile einer der besten Popsongs der letzten Jahre und wurde selbstverstädnlich in mein"Repertoire" aufgenommen...aber an den Rest habe ich mich lange nicht mehr rangetraut!
"Today a man was taken from his apartment on the New Jersey shore and arrested under suspicion of entrapment of a wild animal. Police, after forced entry, discovered a caged leopard in the building! The fully grown feline was said to be surprisingly domesticated before preparing her for relocation.
A large crowd is gathered outside to watch the beautiful creature as a giant cage was lowered slowly onto the street by a crane. From here, the leopard was transferred into the back of a truck for the journey ahead. A thoughtful onlooker said it's extraordinary to think that any human being could have lived so silently with such a dangerous animal. Police are saying the captive has simply befriended the creature and barely left her side. It's alleged that he hunted her in the wild and expertly forged documents to facilitate her illegal export to the United States of America. The incident has already created much controversy and is now likely to lead to a major international investigation into the life of the man who stole a leopard."
Da stehen mir immer sämtliche Haare vom Körper...sollte man verfilmen!